“Cooking With an All-Star Cast” (1956) is a color, scripted made-for-tv film from the 1950s that takes place on the set of a cooking show where big name actors present how to properly cook and present different cuts of meat. A presentation of the National Livestock and Meat Board and produced by Wilding Picture Productions, Inc, this film has Geraldine Lien and Russ Reed play a home-economics expert (Ms. Morgan) and amateur actor tasked with leading a cooking special on the basic methods used to cook some of the traditional favorites of the American family. This film is significant for the insights it offers into American consumer culture in the post-Depression, post-World War II era where pent up consumer demands caused an explosion in the food industry. This trend particularly manifested in Americans’ consumption of red meat with the per capita consumption of beef rising in the 1950s and 1960s.

Music starts, opening credits (0:12). Chef host kneels down besides perhaps 1950s GE Stratoliner Stove Oven, takes out rack of meat, adds seasoning, and talks to audience (0:47). Director calls cut, reveals large TV studio set (1:12). Camera starts rolling for another take, man walks on set with clapperboard, actor tries again but gets flustered (1:47).Ms. Morgan advisor called on set, tasked with teaching actor how to perform (2:14). Director hands script to assistant director who chats with cameraman while smoking cigarettes on set (2:42). Ms. Morgan advisor and actor stand side-by-side on retro 1950s kitchen set (3:21). Close-up standing rib roast of beef (3:32). Close-up thick English lamb chops (3:34). Close-up Porterhouse steak (3:39). Close-up center cut slice of ham (3:42). Close-up club steaks (3:44). Leg of lamb (3:47). Whole ham (3:51). Sliced bacon, Canadian style bacon on cutting board (3:54). Ms. Morgan walks through proper roasting technique for beef roast, places meat in a shallow pan with a rack (4:05). Close-up of thermometer inserted into meat, meat taken to oven where Ms. Morgan walks through appropriate temperatures used to cook different meats and cuts of meat (5:15). English lamb chops taken from fridge, prepared for broiling and inserted into perhaps 1950s GE Stratoliner Stove Oven (6:19). Close-up hand taking lamb chops from oven, seasoning added, meat turned (7:52). Completed lamb chops placed on preheated rack, ready for garnish (8:20). Uncovered frying pan and cutting board set up on stove top, Ms. Morgan walks through steps of pan broiling (8:59). Completed pan-broiled steak with garnish set on table next to plate of evenly cut slices of bread (10:47). Camera zooms out to reveal table set with cutlery, flowers, side dishes – meats include the traditional favorites of the American family (10:52). Ready to serve roast leg of lamb with garnish on fancy dining table set with white table cloth, china, crystal stemware (11:00). Garnished roast baked home with side dishes of potatoes and peas set on fancy dining table set with white table cloth, china, crystal stemware (11:09). Other completed and garnished cuts of meat on fancy platters, placed on different colored table cloths with different accompanying dishes (11:20). Close-up of knife slicing through tender beef standing roast (12:02). Director comes on set, prepares to re-shoot from the beginning before but stopped by assistant director who reveals he and cameraman have been filming all along (12:28). Various completed and garnished cuts of meat placed on rotating table scape decorated with crystal and floral arrangements, camera zooms in on different meats as the table rotates (13:10).

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