Search our deep database of thousands of historical films, spanning over 80 years of world history
Scanned from film in HD, 2K and 4K .

Periscope Film transfers 8mm, Super 8mm, 16mm, Super 16mm or 35mm motion picture films into high end digital files ranging in quality from HD to 2k and 4k. We feature the LaserGraphics ScanStation telecine platform, one of the leading archival scanners in the industry today.
About Us
Thanks for your interest in the Periscope Film stock footage library. We maintain one of the largest collections of historic military, aviation and transportation in the USA. We provide free research and can provide viewing copies if you can let us know some of the specific types of material you are looking for. Almost all of our materials are available in high quality 24p HD ProRes and 2k/4k resolution.
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