The B.A.C.’s of Drinking and Driving is an Informational cartoon from 1980 on the effects of drinking on driving, made by Portafilms, a production company based in Michigan. The film was made to show in driver’s education classes as part of the curriculum. Title credits, consultants Kent Joscelyn and Dr. John Mazzuchi (0:31). Story Bill Murray, animation Stu Knickerbocker, arts and camera Maria Timmerman, and editing John King (0:38). Animation of cat chasing a mouse (1:00). Narrator explains had no one is killed in cartoons (1:10). Title of “Ned n’ Ned” show (1:13). Animated show ends and cat and mouse talk about how it is hard work (1:30). Mouse offers cat a drink, presumably of alcohol (1:35). Cat and mouse continue to drink (1:45). Animation switches to animation of drinking bar fly (2:00). Fly gets into a car (2:05). Narration of a poem of bar fly crashing his car and dying (2:15). Cat says to mouse that they know if they have drunk too much. They continue to drink (2:40). Cat and mouse get into their cars after assuring each other they are good to drive (2:53). Cars swerving on road, mouse plays with the radio (3:00). Mouse runs a red light (3:18). Narration from radio on how alcohol affects judgement (3:39). Mouse and cat race through wooded area (3:41). Mouse crashes into a tree (4:00). Cat wakes mouse up. Dog policeman interrogates mouse on drinking (4:28). Dog policeman administers a BAC test on mouse (4:49). Mouse fails test and cat passes although is considered legally impaired to drive (5:13). Cat mentions that he and the mouse had the same number of drinks and wonders why he failed. Dog policeman explains that bodyweight can play a role in BAC (5:30). Radio narrator describes the mouse’s arrest in producer’s office (5:51). Producer complains about negative public publicity and debate solutions (6:30). Cat suggests he and the mouse make a public apology and then create film on dangers of drinking and driving (6:55). Newspaper footage of cat and mouse making a public apology (7:05). Mouse explains how alcohol is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. X-ray animation of alcohol being absorbed into the mouses body (7:33). Absorption of alcohol can be slowed by consumption of food (7:43). Greater the alcohol in bloodstream the greater the effect on behavior (8:05). Narrator explains blood alcohol level can be measured by blood, urine, or breath (8:17). Narrator describes blood alcohol concentration and breath alcohol concentration. Breath test are now widely used by law enforcement (8:27). Animated BAC curve is graphed to demonstrate impact of alcohol depending on weight and time (9:44). Narrator explains only way to sober up is time, animation of clock with amount of time to reduce BAC (10:10). Cold showers, coffee, and physical exertion will wake you up but not increase alcohol elimination rate (10:27). Doctor character explains impact of alcohol on judgement and driving (11:10). Mouse in driving simulator. Doctor explains how this was a real research test (11:30). Driving simulator using projector. Peripheral vision and reaction time is measured. Mouse crashes (12:05). Narrator explains while level differs among individuals, alcohol has an impact on driving and as people get drunker, driving ability is impaired (12:25). Cat is shown drinking and taking BAC test. Narrator explains 0.05% is considered impaired in some states (12:40). Animation of accident chart that summarizes results of 18 different studies (13:15). Shows that majority of drivers in more serious crashes were intoxicated (13:42). Odds of BAC level to crash are shown on a chart (14:15). Producer decides to end filming for the day. Cat and mouse get in discussion about cat’s driving ability (15:00). Cat gets in simulator to demonstrate driving ability (15:15). Despite mouse’s complaints cat decides to drive instead of waiting for taxi (15:30). Cat crashes car into tree and presumably dies (15:50).

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