This color educational film “Appreciating Our Parents” is about hoping your parents and being a good child. This is circa 1950.

Opening: a boy named Tommy stands in his room. He looks in the closet, stares at his room. The room is neat but this morning the room was messy. Tommy looks at the hanging clothes in his closet (:06-1:33). A messy kitchen table. The table and kitchen now look nice and cleaned up. Dirty clothes get washed and ironed. Groceries on the counter. A turkey roasted and ready to eat. Tommy rushes to his window, looks, and races downstairs. He says hello to his father as his mother enters the room. Tommy’s father hands money over to Tommy’s mother. Tommy takes off his shoes and says goodnight to his parents. His mother turns out the light. Tommy lays there. Tommy gets up and puts the light on, he puts his allowance n a jar. Tommy puts on shoes and heads downstairs. He spies his parents washing the dishes (1:34-4:20). Tommy’s mother puts on her apron and starts to clean the kitchen. Tommy’s mother enters his room and starts to tidy up. Back in the kitchen, the mother irons and makes dinner. Tommy’s mother sews up his clothes, she mended a jacket. Tommy spies his parents washing dishes. His father at work earlier in the day. A man with a clipboard comes and gives Tommy’s father his money. At his desk that evening, Tommy’s father works on the budget. He then fixes a chair. Watching his parents wash dishes, Tommy closes the door and goes back up the stairs to his room. He shuts the door and picks up a football. He remembers playing football with the guys. Tommy gets into bed, puts his football away, removes his shoes, and gets into bed (4:21-7:58). Tommy fixes a piece of train track with a wrench. Tommy puts the train track where it goes. He straightens out his bed. He goes into the kitchen and helps his mother dry the dishes. Tommy’s room is clean and neat, clothes on hangers. everything is where it goes. A Porky Pig moneybank. Tommy paints a chair his father is fixing. Tommy shines shoes. Tommy cleans a mirror. Tommy’s father is pleased and hugs him. His mother comes in and his father gives Tommy more allowance. The family sits together (7:59-10:18). No end credits.

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