XD2900 1965 Kinescope of Sports Program Featuring the 1965 USAF World Wide Weapons Meet William Tell Competition

“Part III World of Sports #47”, “D.B. Show 11/07/65”, “Coming Up Later Conclusion of Clay-Patterson World Heavyweight Championship Fight Report”, either Kinescope or poor dupe, “F-102”, “Capt. Hal Vandaele”, “Capt. Hal Clinger”, F-106, “Capt. Bill Vinopal”, “Lt. Col. Glen Dunaway”, likely an episode of World of Sports, but unsure as there’s no title

“In peacetime [Glen Dunaway] flew the F-106 and it was in this plane he led his men to victory in the Aerospace Defense Command’s worldwide interceptor weapons meet, the famous “William Tell” competition, in 1965. Glen was the individual high scorer for the entire meet and won it for his team on his last shot, a bulls-eye.”

“The USAF World Wide Weapons Meet known as “William Tell” began In June 1954 as a separate air-to-air rocketry competition to the Third Annual USAF Fighter Gunnery and Weapons Meet held at Las Vegas AFB (later renamed Nellis AFB). This Interceptor Phase of the competition would be held at Yuma, AZ. The Air Defense Command and Air Training Command were the sole competitors of the first meet in 1954. In 1956 the meet was unofficially named “William Tell” and expanded to include nine teams representing seven major Air Commands. This third meet was the last held in Arizona. Two years later, Tyndall AFB, Fla., became the home for the USAF Worldwide Air-to-Air Weapons Meet. The radio controlled Q-2A drone target and the PARAMI, an electronic scoring system, made their first appearances during this meet and for the first time competitors were divided into three categories, one for each aircraft participating. Twelve teams competed in the 1958 meet and among them was an Air National Guard unit competing for the first time. For the 1961 William Tell, three jets specifically designed for protecting North America appeared on the flight line; the F-102 Delta Dagger, the F-106 Delta Dart and the F-101 Voodoo. William Tell 1965 was the largest in history with 16 teams and four categories. Canada became the first foreign country to participate in William Tell and entered with the CF-101 Voodoo’s. After a five-year period, imposed by the Vietnam War, William Tell resumed at Tyndall AFB with nine teams competing.”

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