“Drug Use or Abuse” focuses on the differences between utilizing drugs which have been prescribed by a doctor versus illicit drug use and abuse. Prescription drugs are viewed across shelving in a drug store (:27) with close shots of the antibiotic Nydrazid as well as others produced by Horton and Converse (:30). A pharmacist fills prescriptions (:39) and a street drug dealer offers pills to youth (:53). The film dictates that a doctor will prescribe you such drugs for medical purposes and that the viewer may also be approached by someone other than a doctor offering street drugs in their lifetime. The title screen appears at (1:02). “Drug Use or Abuse” was produced by Films West Inc (1:06). An anecdote shows a man known as Susan’s father as he runs around a track (1:15). He is able to lead a healthier life due to prescription drugs which treat his diabetes (1:31). A close shot of his prescription reveals it to be Orinase (1:43). Various prescription drugs follow (1:51) including the sleeping pill Sominex (2:08). Other substances such as caffeine (2:45) and alcohol (2:24) are also considered drugs as they alter the bodies functions. A young boy replaces a spray paint can on a shelf in a garage (2:46). These and other chemicals such as Carbide must be kept out of reach (2:54). A diagram shows the different effects stimulants and depressants have on the body and mind (3:47). A patient lay in a hospital bed whom had been given a depressant prior to surgery (4:03). A hospital nurse measures out a specific portion of medication (4:39). A doctor then writes out a prescription to be filled at a pharmacy and taken at home (5:04). This prescription is then shown being filled by a pharmacist (5:09). Du Pont multi-surface house hold glue is noted as it is another substance which can be ‘huffed’ (6:09). Illicit drugs such as marijuana (6:13), heroin and LSD are shown in montage. Reasons as to why someone might turn to drugs are discussed including sheer boredom, emotional or mental health issues (6:40) as well as peer pressure (6:52). A diagram follows depicting the damage which can be caused by incorrect use including damage to organs and even death (7:22). The film then cuts out abruptly on the drug known as LSD (7:44).

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