“Use Your Eyes” is a police training film produced by the Alhambra Police Department, California, in 1970. It is intended to demonstrate to police officers how to search a residence for evidence of marijuana use, and what rights they have to search the property once certain prima facia evidence is established.
Shot of two officers entering a house. Camera slowly pans around a room, featuring an ashtay on a coffee table (:06-:51). Close up on a green ashtray. A pair of tweezers gestures to the roach of a joint and filter of a cigarette, then removes from ashtray (:52-1:21). Close up on the roach and filter in isolation. Roach rolled over by tweezers (1:22-2:13). A scalpel cuts open the cigarette, indicating the consistency of the tobacco. Then same process carried out on joint (2:14-2:57). Stylised shot of a hand holding roach, with three other roaches (or filters) on the table. Placed back in ashtray (2:58-3:34). Camera continues to pan around the room. Objects on coffee table are edited out of frame one by one to reveal a hair clip (3:35-4:07). Close-up on the hairclip, which appears dark. It is seen next to a clean hairclip (4:08-4:40). Close-up on hair clip being used as a clip for the joint (4:41-5:15). We then see examples of a clean alligator clip, followed by a clip burnt at the tip that counts as prima facia evidence of marijuana use. This repeated with a bobby pin (5:41-5:50). Close up on carpet. A marijuana seed rolled onto a sheet of paper to be examined (5:51-6:12). We see a cigarette box. Then all evidence of drug use in the room laid out; the roach and several clips. Cigarette box opened, then filters picked up and a single filter removed. Cigarettes in box rolled to the side to reveal a large bag of marijuana (6:13-7:26). Close-up the marijuana, which is of low-grade ‘unmanicured’ quality . A pinch taken and observed. Man sniffs this pinch. We then see a close-up on manicured marijuana (7:27-8:11). We see a block of unmanicured marijuana, wrapped in tinfoil. Bunches are places in an adjacent box and stirred to knock the buds from the stems. The stalks are examined in isolation. Manicured marijuana then taken and placed in a bag (8:12-9:21). Three pipes are examined. The first two are regular tobacco pipes, the third a metal pipe with resin build-up on inside of the bowl (9:22-10:06). We see a series of water pipes (10:07-10:29). Shots of a series of small containers. A small block of hashish is examined, then some small flakes are broken off by a knife (10:30-11:19). We see a small square of tin foil. This pressed into a homemade wooden pipe and holes punctured, the cone is filled with hashish. We see a man smoking the pipe (11:20-12:03). Close up on a searching pair of eyes scanning around. Title card and credits overlaid. Background image changes to drug paraphernalia before fading to black (12:05-13:03).
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This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD, 2k and 4k. For more information visit http://www.PeriscopeFilm.com