This 1960s Associated Film Services film was produced in cooperation with the Israel Government and seeks to give an overview of the progress towards national development. It begins with some maps showing where Israel is located. This is followed by the progress made in Israel on education, water management, land reclamation, agriculture, the Kibbutz system, and tourism development. It ends with shots and attractions of major cities in Israel, such as Tel Aviv, Haifa, Nazareth, and Jerusalem.

0:06 Associated Film Services presents “Israel Land of Promise”, 0:28 in cooperation with the Israel Government, 0:31 a large map that slowly zooms into Israel, 0:49 Israel’s bordering countries, 1:15 an ancient ruin, 1:29 overview of a desert landscape, 1:49 a map of all those in History that have invaded Palestine, 2:31 a Roman amphitheater, 2:58 a Crusader Castle, 3:14 the tower of Ramallah and the Jazzar Mosque, 3:52 the Tomb of Theodor Herzl, 4:12 street scenes from Jerusalem, 4:48 adults being instructed at a school for immigrants, 5:02 an arid desert, 5:26 a map of the sources of water in Israel, 5:38 a water processing plant pumping water into an irrigation system, 6:16 different shots of pumping stations, 6:40 orchids by the Dead Sea, 7:00 a cotton field, 7:18 a vineyard, 7:45 newly planted trees in Judea, 8:01 industrial plants harvesting minerals from the Dead Sea, 8:41 Sede Boker Land Reclamation Project, 9:00 shots from a Kibbutz settlement including housing and farming, 9:51 a cattle farm, 10:01 a guest house at a Kibbutz, 10:13 an IDF Kibbutz, 10:34 a border sign and barbed wire, 10:47 the walls of old Jerusalem on the Jordanian side, 11:01 Davidka Memorial in Jerusalem, 11:14 map of the major cities of Israel, 11:29 shots from the hotels of Eilat, 11:52 King Solomon copper mine near Eilat, 12:23 city shots from Be’er Sheva, 12:35 a Bedouin market at in Be’er Sheva, 13:01 Bedouin tents in the Negev, 13:15 seafront of the city of Tel Aviv, 13:35 Rothschild Boulevard opening onto Habima Square including the Frederic Mann Auditorium, the National Theater, and the Helena Rubinstein Pavilion, 13:57 a market in Tel Aviv, 14:25 an overview of Haifa and its port, 14:51 Barnett and Pauline Palinsky Arab-Jewish Cultural Youth Center, 15:00 an overview of Nazareth including contrasting street views, 15:18 an overview of Jerusalem, 15:32 the Knesset, 15:46 Hechal Shlomo Synagogue, 16:05 the tomb of King David, 16:27 Churches in Israel including the Church of Enunciation in Nazareth, Franciscan Church of St. John the Baptist, St. Andrews Scottish Church, Russian Orthodox Cathedral, and the Monastery of the Cross, 16:43 Headquarters of the General Federation of Labor, 17:00 Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem, 17:12 an unfinished elementary school already in use, 17:33 a secondary school next to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 18:11 a football game next to the YMCA in Jerusalem, 18:42 the Jerusalem Art Museum, 19:01 Billy Rose Art Garden, 19:21 the Shrine of the Book, 19:38 many apartment buildings under construction, 20:02 new factories under construction, 20:22 a new settlement being built in the desert, 20:42 the Weizmann Institute of Science, 20:54 summary footage of what has been seen so far, 21:26 Produced by Associated Film Services

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