This black & white training film is about hand to hand combat techniques, part 1 and 2 in a series. Copyright 1942.

Opening titles: U.S. Navy Training Film presents Hand to Hand Combat in Three Parts Part 1 (:06-:24). Four different sports shown on the screen at once (baseball, golf, skiing, etc). Men perform sports and box, wrestling, play basketball, etc. A man does hand to hand combat. The instructor speaks about hand to hand combat to the viewer (:25-1:50). Title: Stance for Counter-Attack. Instructor shows a group how to maintain a proper stance as a narrator explains. Instructor works with a man to perform basic moves. First up, certain points on the head and body to strike to give yourself an advantage (1:51-3:47). Title: Basic Handholds and Leverage. A wristlock. A hammerlock. Basic headlock. Leverage is explained and shown (3:48-5:11). Title: Breaking Grips – Hand Holds. Basic handholds. Title: Breaking Rear Stranglehold with Body Twist. A sudden twist will break the hold. Title: Breaking Rear Stranglehold with Thumb Lock. Apply grip and pain to the assailant’s thumbs. Slow motion is shown. Title: Breaking Rear Stranglehold with Flying Mare. Man is placed in a stranglehold, he grabs arm, loosens strangle, over the shoulder toss. Slow motion breakdown (5:12-8:05). Title: Breaking Rear Bodylock with Leg Lift. Bend down and seize the ankle, this breaks move. Slow motion review. Title: Breaking Rear Bodylock with Standing Switch. Breakdown and then slow motion review. Title: Breaking Rear Bodylock with Hip Lock. Turn in as you’re grabbed and step across, tossing him. Slow motion breakdown (8:06-10:37). Title: Breaking Front Strangle with Arm Wedge. Man being strangled, lunges upward and then pushes back with clasped hands. Slow motion breakdown. Title: Breaking Front Bodylock with Knee Lift or Foot Kicks. This is broken down and shown slow motion (10:38-12:32). Title: Breaking Front Bodylock with Hiplock. Man is hip tossed as a counter. Breakdown with slow motion. Title: Backward Flip – Foot to Stomach. Pull assailant towards you and do flip by holding clothes and using foot to stomach, breakdown in slow motion (12:33-14:10). End credits (14:11-14:16).

Opening titles: U.S. Navy Training Film presents Hand to Hand Combat in Three Parts Part 2 (14:17-14:28). Title: Chancery Against Low Frontal Attack. Breakdown followed by slow motion of arm hook and knee lift. Title: Arm Drag. Quick arm drag takedown (14:29-16:16). Title: Leg Pickup. A man rushes another man and he picks him up and slams him to the ground. Breakdown with slow motion. Title: The Hiplock. Draw opponent in and lock his arm before pulling him over. Slow motion(16:17-18:14). Title: Reverse Hiplock. Man is tossed backwards to the floor. Title: Offensive Wrist Lock. One handed strangle turns into wristlock (18:15-20:24). Title: Reverse Wrist Lock. If someone grabs your clothing with one hand, grab the hand and twist downward. Slow motion breaks it down. Title: Double Wrist Lock. The lock turns into a twisting hammerlock, slow motion shows breakdown (20:25-22:04). Title: Standing Defense Against Kicks from Front with Leg Lift and Trip. You must move swiftly and clamp the leg. Grab leg and kick standing leg, slow motion breakdown. Title: Kneeling Defense Against Kicks from Side. This is more of a timed move which requires grabbing a leg and turning leg into toe hold. Slow motion shows breakdown (22:05-24:28). Title: Prone Defense Against Kicks – Knee Lock. As assailant moves towards you, you strike at the knee. Title: Prone Defense Against Kicks – Leg Scissors from Side. As assailant advances, swing your leg around his knees and strike with other leg to throw him. Breakdown and slow motion (24:29-26:19). Title: Defense Against Club. An assailant swings a club. Crossing your arms and going forward takes the blow so i doesn’t strike your head. Then grab arm and twist – breakdown and slow motion. Title: Defense Against Knife – Downward Thrust. Grab the wrist which holds the weapon to block the knife. Slow motion breakdown (26:20-28:28). Title: Upward Thrust with Knife. Seize the wrist going low. Breakdown in slow motion. Title: Side Thrust with Knife. Seize the wrist going low, grab arm into hammerlock and twist down. Title Club Defense against Knife. Strike at the person’s forearm with your club (28:29-30:57). End credits (30:58-31:07).

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