This 1964 U.S Navy documentary looks at the Navy’s Marine Mammal Program. It is narrated by Commander Glenn Ford, USNR, a renowned Hollywood actor.

Here at mark 1:40 on the edge of the pacific zone 50 miles north of Los angeles is the U.S. Navy base Pt. Mugu, a major center for the Navy space studies and missile experiments. It is also the location of one of the most fascinating program that US has ever launched, a program for studying dolphins. At mark 02:10, a naval officer is seen making an introduction statement. He talked more on the mammals giving their life history and why the navy is so interested in their study. Here at mark 3:20, an effort is been launched by the director of the program Dr. William McGlane to better understand the capabilities of the dolphins. The animals are been kept in a comfortable environment and the facility is to meet all its need for the experiment. At mark 4:00, the animals are been weighed on scales. These creatures can do everything extremely well and there’s much to be learnt from them that could also help the navy. Scientists believe that dolphins can see with sonar more than they see with their eyes as seen at mark 5:07. Hence scientist are training them as seen at mark 5:37 on how to use sonar hearing to fetch for things and are also rewarded after passing the test. They eat more pounds of fish per day. As seen at mark 6:17, it was blindfolded to see if the tough guy with his eyes covered can retrieve a disc with just the sonar sound and he passed it. He found the disc and retrieved it back. At mark 7:53, a chart of the sound virtually made above and under water by the dolphin is seen after it’s been produced from a microphone test. The dolphin makes many kind of sound such as bark, squeals and yelks and the two main sounds are whistles and also creeping door sonar sound. To learn more about the dolphin’s sonar, it is needed to know its hearing sensitivity at different frequencies. At mark 8:20, this dolphin named Survy is taken for an experiment to accurately measure a dolphins hearing sensitivity. At mark 8:43, Dr. Johnson is in-charge of the experiment. We have response test for the dolphins. A sound is been sent to the mammal and it presses a beam which either makes a right or wrong sound. At mark 10:10, the navy is using sophisticated machines to record the sounds made by the dolphins.

At mark 10:30, there is another test been carried out. Here are two tanks connected with hydrophones of speakers. They want to know whether it’s the male or female dolphin that talks more. As expected, their report shows that it’s the female. Dr. Bethole a scientist is seen at mark 11:00 and he is seen carrying out an experiment. He has this machine that changes human’s voices to whistles like the dolphins. At mark 11:50, another test is been carried out. Element with techniques of teaching is been employed. Objects of different shape were used in this test. At mark 13:09, more rigidly test are been applied. At mark 13:27, the dolphin is seen jumping over poles of about 20 feet or more. The dolphin uses both body and tail movement to propel itself. At mark 13:59, a test is carried out to see how fast the dolphin is. Researchers want to check for the unusual physiology of the dolphin at mark 14:40. Hence we see more of its body physiology; its temperature, blood check examinations, its sweat glands. At mark 16:40, the test was concluded. Its now seen that the dolphins can perform great things in the sea as seen at mark 17:20. At mark 18:55, the animal is been trained to hold its breath under water as we still have some cases of dolphins drowning. At mark 19:30, the dolphin is been separated. At mark 20:00, she has reached the stage where she reacts to the sonar buzz and gets a fish reward. She also appear to be fond of her trainers. At mark 21:00, buzz buzz is been let out in the open sea and this would be her first since her capture. The trainer sets up the homing signal that she’s been trained with and now comes th crucial test. A test which she passed well by returning on hearing the signal. The navy still has much to learn from the dolphins.

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