7375 The Negro and the American Promise 1963

This program will bring together four prominent Negro leaders. By using film clips and parts of interviews — all of which were especially recorded for this program — The Negro and the American Promise will emphasize what sort of people these leaders are, what their motivations, doctrines, methods and goals are.

Kenneth Clark will host the program. He is a professor of psychology at the City College of New York, co-director with his psychologist wife of the Northside Center for Development, director of a new youth program in Harlem, and author of a highly-regarded book on race prejudice entitled Prejudice and Your Child. During the program, Dr. Clark will be joined, in separate interviews, by:

James Baldwin, artist and intellectual, whose writing has caused a stir because of its ? regarding the racial situation and its artistic sensitivity.

Malcolm X, outspoken leader of the Black Muslims.

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, is the leader of the current Negro non-violence protests that are sweeping the country.

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