A sinister series of military conflicts keeps emerging in different parts of the world ever since the final shots of the Second World War have been fired. Imperialism stands behind each one of them. American imperialism is the most aggressive of all. (00.38)

Imperialists commit all sorts of crimes when trying to establish their dominance over the peoples. They create conspiracies, trigger civil unrest, spread racial and ethnic hatred. If all these dirty enterprises do not prove successful, they impudently intrude into a foreign country. (01.11)

What should peace-loving governments do in similar situations? The only way to preserve international peace is to firmly fend off the aggressor. That is what the Soviet government does, in alliance with the progressive powers of the world. (02.02) A powerful protest movement against American aggression in Southeast Asia has by now spread to all continents. ‘Get out of Vietnam!’, the nations of the world demand. (02.21)

But the aggressors are deaf to the voice of the international community. They force their way and expand the limits of this criminal war. (02.43)

In these conditions, the Soviet Union is faithful to its international duty, it increases its help to the fighting Vietnamese nation. We do not hide that this help will keep increasing in the future, it will go as far as needed. We don’t hide that all our military hardware is shield and sword not just to our motherland, but to all the commonwealth of socialist countries. (03.25)

Be alert, take care of the defensive capability of our country and of the Red Army as Lenin taught us. We are faithful to our leader’s testament. Strengthening the military power and defense capability of the Soviet forces was and will remain the most sacred function of a socialist government. (04.02)

The government is the great manager of the common effort of the Soviet nation, it is the main instrument of building communism. The government is our stronghold. This is why the Party addresses all the Soviet people, it tells you and me, ‘Strengthen the power of your government’. How do you do that? Be at the frontline of life, where it is hardest. Live and labor like the Komsomol members working near the Vakhsh River who hew the river’s way through a mountain. (05.00) Or follow the steps of the Komsomol members in Talnah, who work in the Far North and multiply the economic power of our motherland. If you like, you may follow the footsteps of these brave men. They strengthen their body and spirit, always ready to protect their country. (05.28)

There is plenty of work for those who feel themselves masters of the government. Look for it, choose something. The door into life is wide open for each of us. Some like big waves and ocean wind, others are fond of land roads. There are people who find their vocation in the most dangerous fields that are suitable for few. Meet Viktor Dimidov from Leningrad. This man, who doesn’t look like a hero, who didn’t go to war when he was young, extracted and destroyed 10,000 Fascist shells and bombs that didn’t go off with his own hands. (07.00) What is Viktor thinking about during these minutes? About his family? About those who protected our lives at the cost of their own?

In the village behind the alder grove

Where the soil is hot from the sun

Grass comes out timidly

Tickling the sky with its stems

Long ago, battles were held here

Falling hard on the ground

Russian boys died

Fighting for this old village

They writhed in pain, face in the grass

And bitter ‘died’ reached home

The soil heaved behind the village

With waves of young boys’ graves

Today we are twenty, like they were

Today we sail different ships

We are swayed by the happiness

Of the land they fought for

The land where grass grows timidly

Tickling the sky with its stems

The land behind the grove

That is hot from the blood of those boys (08.15)

‘I am a citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, joining the ranks of the Armed Forces, take the oath and solemnly swear to the last breath to be loyal to my people, my Soviet homeland, and Soviet Government. I swear to defend it courageously, skillfully, with dignity and honor, not sparing my own blood and life.’

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