This story is told by Leslie Howard. This is the story of a nation in exile of Poland and Britain. But it is more than a story of just foreigners; it’s the story of people who are now our guests, people we are proud to host. They have become by lands and sea our gallant comrades in arms. Here is a warzone in august 1939 at mark 1:42. Here a small boy is feeding the pigeons as bomb dropped. The small boy’s name is Andrew. He found his way within incredible adventure and watches the pigeon in another square Trafalgar square. Here at mark 2:34 he is distributing a daily paper among his fellow countrymen. Again he looks into the sky of warfare at mark 3:18. ambasady rzeczypospolitej polskiej the polish ambasadar to the courtison James keeps in his safe the treaty alliance of great men in Poland as seen at mark 3:27. This treaty is a test of friendship between Poland and Britain. At mark 3:38 is the prime minister in chief command general Tchikosky. His work to fight for the present and plan for the future. At mark 3:56 is the allied government planning on stability. They change the seats but not the cabinets. They all planned for the future. At mark 4:38, are the men fighting wing to wing in battles. While the planes are fighting, Poland and England restores the normal life to its people as seen at mark 5:30. The polski Red Cross is seen at mark 6:00. They send supplies to soldier and the German war prisoners. At mark 16:13 is the polish medical centre. At 6:22, the polish school is seen. at 6:40 is the polish hearth a centre of cultural and social life without guest which is presented to them by the British council. Here we see the president of the polish republic monsieur raczkiovic entertained king norway to a cup of tea. At mark 7:22, a polish performance is seen.

At mark 7:50, the pilots are seen. Then there is a scramble at mark 8:16. At mark 9:17 is a polish artist. At mark 9:45, is the air fight. After days’ work, long night begins. Here at mark 10:45 is the polish library in Britain. Air raid alerts are given. As the air fight is on, photographers are seen at mark 10:50, capturing the moments. At mark 11:35, the films are made as bombs fall. Through the night, fires rage and houses were burnt as seen at mark 12:40. At mark 13:20, Andrew is seen in his sleep. As the morning breaks and activities continue as seen at mark 14:05. The boy distributes his papers. At mark14:28, the war zone is seen but silently then plan on their future. Bookshop is seen at mark 14:55. The polski guards are seen at mark 15:15. Here is a boy who lost his leg during the assault at mark 15:20. The polish are seen having fun at mark 16:00 in their new base.

The army is inspected at mark 16:50. At mark 17:38, the polish navy are also fighting the battle of the Atlantic. At mark 18:20, the navies are seen firing at the enemies. At mark 19:35, monsier rashkovic and the USA ambassador Mr Drake visit the polish sub marine. The Britain and Poland issues an order of new life in which they planned even while fights are been fought. At mark 20:50, is the polish doctors and also their scientists, they’ve got plenty of works to do. So Poland and Britain works on brighter future with faith and commitment. At mark 21:32 we have their church. Here they pray with faith for the future. At mark 22:15, a message from London to Poland in Poland. This is a message from Poland in Britain to bring good news of liberation. A message of progress in the allied forces. At mark 23:36, the pilots are ready to fight and are seen loading their guns, they dream of returning to their country. They dream of united Europe of tomorrow. At mark 24:30, the pilots sets for assaults. The message continues at mark 25:10.

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