Aimed at a foreign audience, this Israeli promotional film illustrates the daily life and basic training on a military outpost of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), including paratrooper training. The IDF was first established in 1948 on the order of Defense Minister (and later Prime Minister) David Ben-Gurion. It has served in all of Israel’s major military operations, and is unique in that it includes the mandatory conscription of women. The film appears to be from the early 1970s.

The film opens with IDF soldiers in uniform, raising a post. Shots of soldiers at a military outpost. A flock of sheep is herded at the camp. Closeup of a woman herding sheep. 0:33 IDF soldier performing daily tasks – shaving, folding blankets, cleaning weapons, polishing shoes. 1:00 Bomb goes off in the middle of an empty field. Tankers cross a field and soldiers jump off. 1:10 In a training exercise, soldiers fire rifles into the distance. A soldier removes his helmet and looks into the distance. 1:30 Cut to soldiers performing physical training exercises and relay courses, climbing a net, bungee jumping. 1:55 Closeup of a soldier preparing his team of paratroopers. Cut to a C-119G boxcar. Paratroopers prepare to jump from the plane, and the camera pans to a closeup of one of their faces. 2:20 A mixed gender group of soldiers hold a tarp, prepared to catch each other during a training exercise. One of the soldiers jumps from a tree onto the tarp. 2:46 Closeup of soldiers’ faces as they crowd around the soldier that jumped. 2:49 Cut back to the soldier on the plane as they jump out, their parachutes billowing behind them. 3:13 Wide shot of paratroopers gliding in the air. 3:15 Closeup of a paratrooper descending. 3:23 Cut back to the same soldier looking off into the distance as he puts his helmet back on. Soldiers approach in jeeps. 3:35 Soldiers passing by on a jeep seen through the barrel of a jeep mounted anti-tank gun. 3:39 The gun fires into the distance. Closeup of soldiers on the ground, shooting into the distance. 3:43 Soldiers dressed in protective gear approach beehives. Closeup of bees on a honeycomb rack. Soldiers stand in front of an enlarged diagram of a bee. Soldiers in a classroom, the instructor standing in front of a diagram of a cow, holding a model cow’s head in his hand. Soldiers learn about modern agricultural techniques and animal husbandry. 4:16 Mixed gender and mixed race soldiers listen to the instructor. 4:20 Closeup of a female student holding the model cow’s head. 4:25 Soldiers feeding cows in stalls. 4:29 The soldiers engage in song. IDF women singing in Hebrew as they do laundry. IDF men singing back in response. A man irons laundry while his fellow soldiers continue singing along. 5:18 Wide shot of the outpost and life on the farm, herding a cow, driving a tractor. 5:28 A woman leads a group of children along a walkway of the settlement. One of the children runs to his father. Closeup of a child playing in the yard. 6:00 A soldier sits on the stoop of a house, tying his shoes. 6:04 Interior of the dining facilities, soldiers are eating and playing chess. 6:22 Soldiers emerge from tents and line up at attention. Groups of male and female soldiers march along the base. Women carrying rifles run along a wooded area. A group of soldiers kneel in formation, preparing their guns. 7:00 A woman demonstrates the use of a sniper. 7:11 Closeup of a sniper preparing to shoot. Snipers lying on the ground at a shooting range, firing their guns. 7:15 Soldiers at an exhibit, looking at photos of life on the outposts. 7:40 Soldiers walk along in the dark at night, as they come upon a tank. An officer speaks to the group of soldiers. 8:18 Film ends with a group of soldiers around a bonfire, cooking fish.

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